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10 Simple Steps for Soothing a Crying Baby

A Crying Babyby Sara Jackson, CSW
Center for Safe and Healthy Families

Bringing a baby home from the hospital for the first time is an exciting and joyous occasion.  Friends and family offer their congratulations and remark on the preciousness of your little bundle of joy – those baby toes and sweet new baby smell.  Although this new addition to your household is wonderful and possibly long anticipated, it seems as if no one talks about just how hard it really is.  Dealing with a crying baby on little sleep day after day can be trying on anyone—even those with the highest threshold for patience.  Here are a few tips to help soothe your baby and reduce your own stress of dealing with that oh so cute, screaming purple face.

  1. Respond to the cry by making sure all of the baby’s needs are met. Is he/she hungry, wet, cold, warm, lonely, in pain, etc.?
  2. Get close enough to the baby so that he or she will see your face when his or her eyes are open.  Babies can only see for a short distance and seeing your face can calm the baby down.
  3. Move around! Rock the baby in a cradle, walk with the baby, put him/her in a baby swing or in a car seat and go for a drive. Many babies respond to movement because it reminds them of the movement when they were inside the womb and this relaxes them.
  4. Give the baby a pacifier; Sometimes babies want something to suck on, but aren’t hungry.
  5. Swaddle the baby in a soft blanket.  The blanket cocoon reminds them of the womb and soothes them.
  6. Try turning on music, a white noise machine or a fan. Sometimes a constant dull noise can soothe a baby.
  7. Put the baby down. Sometimes babies get over-stressed and overstimulated just like we do. Put the baby down so he/she can calm down.
  8. Call a family member, friend, or trusted neighbor who can take care of the baby while you take a break.
  9. Sit down, take a deep breath and count to twenty. Think of a relaxing place or a pleasant memory.
  10. If all else fails, put the baby in the crib making sure there is nothing else in his/her crib. Shut the door and check on him/her every 5 minutes or so.  The baby will eventually stop crying.

Some parents worry that their baby has been crying for too long. Just watch for a crying pattern that is not normal for your baby.  Generally, if he or she is crying constantly and uncontrollably for two hours, it may be time to call the doctor.

It’s difficult to remain calm and not get frustrated when your baby is crying and it seems like there is nothing you can do to make him or her stop.  Try these 10 steps and remember that it’s okay to ask someone to take over while you take a break.  Do something good for yourself—take a nap, go for a walk, get a coffee, etc.

Having a crying baby does not make you a bad parent.  Your baby just needs to get into the grove of how things work outside the warm womb in which he or she was familiar.  And don’t worry, that time will come!

Sara graduated with her Master’s in Social Work from Portland State University, and is a Certified Social Worker.  She is currently working towards becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She moved to Salt Lake City and has been enjoying getting to know the Southwest. In her free time, she loves hiking, biking, running, taking her dogs to the park, speaking Spanish, learning about other cultures, cooking, and creating self-serve frozen yogurt creations.

About Primary Children's Hospital

​Primary Children’s Hospital ranks among the best children's hospitals. Located in scenic Utah, everything in our hospital is focused on providing the best care for children. For more than 90 years, we have been committed to helping children, families, and communities across the western United States.

One comment on “10 Simple Steps for Soothing a Crying Baby

  1. […] If your baby is crying and you’ve done all you can to try to meet his/her needs, try bouncing the baby in your arms or rocking him or her; babies love movement (Click here for more tips to soothe a crying baby) […]

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